Please have a look through photographs of some of our recent polished concrete projects for inspiration. Elsewhere, I have attempted to explain how the term “polished concrete” is a bit of a misnomer since most of our projects gain their polished appearance from the moulds into which we spray and pour our concretes. We use super shiny epoxies, burnished stainless steel, melamine and phenolic timber sheets as well as other proprietary techniques.
The categories below are split into Indoor Kitchens, Outdoor Kitchens, Commercial Projects, Basins and Furniture. Also, please have a look at our pinterest page where we have accumulated images of other people’s work in concrete, which inspires us and whose designs we would love to borrow from.
We can be inspired by what has come before without needing to copy the work of others. Starting from the premise that some skilful mould-making and complex engineering can overcome most concrete conundrums, we have yet to fall short in the face of a customer’s ideas. We would love for you to have us realise your polished concrete projects, to push our limits and leave you happy every time you use our concrete.
integrated waterfall on 250kg islanddrainage groovespost-tensioned large span islandundermounted sinkmatching integrated sills and upstandsisland with undermounted belfastconcrete sinkwaterfall edgetwo piece waterfallworktop workshopfamily thumb printsground groovesmoulded groovesconcrete floored kitchencopper-bottomed concreteinstallation timesteel and concreteswirly patterned concreteinset sink surroundhundreds of tonnes of concretemeters of concreteblue and whitelight greyblackback in blackurban kitchenisland worktoplong lengthsconcrete accentsthree shades of greyswirlsbacksplashesmore swirlsswirls on commandgalley kitchentri-tone concretesomerset cottage concretemore concreteeve kitchenconcrete galleryhundreds of tonnes4.2m islandmore extensive islandsgeometryprecise window sillspush to fitbreakfast barslarge upstandslonger and largermoulded white groovespost productionwhite slabscrisp linescuring timejigsaw puzzlemy fork is stuckcuring in the workshopclean white linesseaming on siteseamed on siteready for useembedded backsplashthin and strongsame againundermounted belfastjust hangingmade to fitrepairingrepairedintegrated waterfallconcrete and quartzitesee throughelevated dance platformpoured and curedintegrated sill and upstandinterior designreflected glorydoubles as a table tennis tableisland cookingslopey worktopshaving a feelhow long do you want?L shaped island80mm drop down edgehundreds of kilossolid as a rocksqueezed inwhite is rightcast and curedflip outcricket pitch lengthniche productlong and straight
Outdoor Kitchens
Commercial venueseamless four sided oblongseamless beautyspinning hundreds of tonnesurban worktopstransportationmorepouring integral watefallscovered outdoor spacewith a viewworktops on, tiling to followintegral benchcatching the rayssolid and sturdyand ready to bbqhuge integral waterfallseventy mm thickbuilt on breeze blocksprepped and readyunits to followbbq cradlewaterfallshow many people do you need to move this?and thisquarter of a tonne of goodnessdemoulded and curingin the workshopbrick kitchen capped with worktopready for worktopready and waitingwaterfall inundermounted sinkscradle for bbq
Commercial Projects
Our involvement in the design and realisation of bar tops, stools, reception desks, tables, and planters has provided clients with a strong look whilst fulfilling design briefs.
concrete venueshowroom concretedelivery timeconcrete shinglesit-downcrane timepub bbq surroundbatch of random plantersworkshop of worktopssteel deliveryworkbenchreception deskglass flatlooking glass reflectionlevitatingease into placeand breatheglass worksmooth as glasstaking the liftsuspending rebargantry cranespark benchespost-tensioned compressionhow many people do you need to move this?speckled concretecut out worktopsslopey worktopskitchen showroom additionbar timeorders pleasewaterfall concreteposingsea glass wall
face mounted fire surroundwood burner settingtable topcat nappingmeals on wheelssit-downhearth render and realityraised hearthplanter on wheelsemptyhaving a rub downtop and bottomstairwayto wherever you want to goflowers are not man madeload bearing hearthdog napsteel and concreteair vent for wood burnerload bearinghearth without heatadmiring the wildlifeoccasional tableswe weld and castwe employ happy yetisplantationa welcome thresholddurabilityroad tested by Hettysentry dutyline ’em uplopsided bucket planteroutside and insidegravel and concretebath tub surroundsoutdoor stairssmall dogcrisp white bath timemulti-sided shapesdog bowls in prduction
undermountno, I wouldn’t have this in my house, eitherdemouldingisland worktopthree shades of greysmall spacessame againbowl sinksmould makingfibreglass moulds made on demandsink holeflat sinkthick sinksloping sinkfree standing sinksink on wheelsslot sinkdesigner sink